Why Are You Checking your Email on a Saturday?

PS: I cannot tell you when to, and or, when not to check your email. I can only suggest that you do not do it at the expense of other areas of your life. Let's Talk.

Dear Reader, your email will still be there Monday morning. On average- it takes about 6 seconds for a person to check their email once it lands in their inbox. At this rate, you can't but multitask.

If you don't have working hours, you will work every hour- Oluwatosin Olabode.

I schedule my emails to drop on the second day of the month. In all fairness, I knew it would get to you on a Saturday and still decided to send it- I'm I part of the problem?

For me to be, I'll have to be the reason why you opened your email in the first place- Was this truly your intention?

I realize that some of us work over the weekends, and that's okay! What's not okay is letting something outside your control (this mail, social media, etc.) dictate what is within your control (how you use your time).

You have worked hard all week (most times, involving a lot of screen time); give yourself a little bit of no screen time this weekend. Focus on family, friends, love, and anything else that matters to you.

If you are working this weekend- remember to take screen breaks. Your efforts (our efforts) will yield success.

I'm reminding you today that there's time for work, socializing, and personal time!

This email fits into your own time (gaining digital wellness knowledge- under the category of learning), don't use any other time to read it (rest, family bonding, etc.)

Be intentional about how you are using your time. Here's the hack- Schedule things and put your notifications off so that they don't distract your schedules


Read more from oluwatosinolabode.com

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