To Living Digitally Well!

Welcome to our year of Living Digitally Well!

In our day and age, living well digitally is no longer an option.

Almost everything we would do in 2023 would require the use of some form of technology. According to the, We Are Social Digital Report 2022, we now spend an average of 6 hours and 58 minutes online.

Imagine that- that’s over 100 days of our waking hours if we are able to sleep for 7 - 8 hours!

This is because, in today's world, many aspects of our lives are now conducted online, whether it's Business, Counselling, Communication, Education, or Entertainment. As a result, in order to live a productive and fulfilling life, it is critical to be able to navigate the digital world in a way that promotes and protects our optimal health and well-being.

The only way to live digitally well this year is to understand how to use technology and the internet in a safe and secure manner. We cannot spend that much time on the internet without a clear strategy for our digital flourishing.

This is why as a Certified Digital Wellness Educator, I am here to help. As we continue to interact, I'll share many tips to help you build the stamina and technical knowhow needed to thrive.

Some tips are as simple as safeguarding your personal information online. Others are more in-depth, such as the role your identity plays in living well digitally.

Here's what you need to know:

In addition to this newsletter, keep an eye out for the following upcoming projects:

  • The release of our latest book, Digitally Well
  • Living Digitally Well Instagram Curation Page
  • Living Digitally Well Vlog
  • Living Digitally Well Podcast
  • Living Digitally Well Monthly Challenges
  • Living Digitally Well Courses

Dear Reader, We have you covered this year. These projects will be explained in greater detail in our next email to you.

Overall, living digitally well allows us to take advantage of the many benefits that technology and the internet have to offer while minimizing the potential risks and drawbacks. This is what it means to digitally flourish!

Until next time,

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Dear Reader, Welcome aboard to 2024— the canvas upon which we will paint our digital footprint (everywhere we can be found online) with intentionality and mindfulness. As the digital landscape continues to evolve and weave its way into every aspect of our lives, let's embark on this journey together, equipped with the compass of conscious, deliberate digital living. As you follow my projects this year, you will notice that we will be discussing a lot about awareness- both the awareness of...

Dear Reader! As was stated in our first email to you this year, it's indeed our year of Living Digitally Well! We mentioned some projects we have lined up for you to help ensure that you are living digitally well, some of which are listed in our design below: As we mentioned in our last two emails to you, we have activated two of the projects: our upcoming book release, which is now available here, and our Digital Wellness Instagram Page. We also have a free training we don't want you to miss...

Dear Reader! Welcome to our Digital Wellness Instagram Page! This page is intended to compile the best ideas from global leaders in the digital wellness space. You'll find a variety of resources, tips, and tools to assist you in prioritizing your mental and emotional health while navigating the digital world. Following the conversations on this page will allow you to learn from some of the world's best minds without having to search for them or their work on your own, as our goal is to...